What graphics tablet should choose to start ?

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The Best Drawing Tablets for Beginners

For a first attempt at drawing on a graphic tablet, it is preferable to go largely an entry level tablet, less than 80 €.

If an artist or not, the feeling of drawing on the tablet, and the method of drawing is very different from drawing on paper and mastery of drawing on graphic tablet it is difficult. This is why the initial investment should be light, many designers treat themselves a dozen times in one tablet before resale.

For the choice of brand or size of the tablet, there is no particular recommendation to follow. Wacom tablets sells good quality, but other manufacturers offer equivalent products at aggressive prices.

For the size of the tablet, the A6 or A5 formats are preferable to buy a cheap tablet, but other formats should not be excluded if you think that feels more with A4 or A3.

What graphics tablet to choose instead?

For users who have already used a graphics tablet for several years, changing graphics tablet it is more difficult.

For the brand, Wacom is certainly the only option, their tablets and styluses to be the best on the market. For the choice of the model, the views of the professionals on the Web are very rare. logical evolution would require you to buy the top-end model or the latest update of your current tablet.

On the contrary, it is the budget that will determine the range of graphics tablets purchase, while the size of the tablet is generally the same as the previous tablet, but this can be an opportunity for change.

Graphics tablet What size to choose?

There is not the most suitable size than others, it is rather the workspace and preferences that determine the size of the tablet.

Small shelves are practical, since the entire drawing space can be accessed with a small movement. A3 and A4 tablets require much larger gestures, but some designers like to make bigger gestures.

It's all a matter of personal preference, but if you're buying your first tablet, think carefully about the size as it will be later preferred size. For a second tablet, a format change is possible, but do not skip steps, for example, from A6 to A4.

What is the difference between a graphics tablet and a touch screen?

Graphics tablets are the real and digital painting drawing tools, use to create accurate illustrations. Touchscreens are intended for conventional use: Internet, email, videos, etc.

Unlike graphics tablets, touch screens are not designed for artists, even if some of them start using an iPad for digital painting. Not all touch controls offer a pencil, but if necessary, a brand Wacom pen offers an accuracy equivalent to a Bamboo tablet, iPads and Android tablets range. In itself, a touch screen can be very useful for a designer who likes to draw out

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